Equipment Guide RSS

Equipment Guide -

Kettlebells are a unique and versatile piece of fitness equipment that has become increasingly popular in recent years. They offer numerous benefits and can be used in a variety of workouts, making them a must-have for individuals of all fitness levels.  Here are some of the reasons why kettlebells are a very versatile and effective piece of equipment: Full-body workout: Kettlebell exercises engage multiple muscle groups at once, allowing you to get a full-body workout in a relatively short amount of time. Versatility: Kettlebells can be used for a variety of exercises, including swings, squats, deadlifts, and press movements. They...

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Equipment Guide, Home Gym -

If working out in the comfort of your home would suit you best, setting up your own home gym might be the perfect solution for you. With a home gym, you have the convenience of working out on your own schedule - available for you at all times and without the crowd. Plus, you have the freedom to design your own space and choose the equipment that best fits your fitness goals and budget. You’re basically the boss! However, setting up a home gym can be quite a project, especially if you're not sure where to start. There are so many...

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Equipment Guide, Workout -

The Landmine is one of the most versatile attachments and is a great way to add some variety to your training. It can be your secret weapon for muscle building, stronger lifts and better conditioning. Movements that are done with the landmine can help reduce pressure on the joints and engage additional stabilizing muscles. Some of the key advantages of landmine movement include: Rotational nature of some of the exercises increases core and hip stability You can perform many different unilateral (single arm / single leg) exercises that can help identify or fix muscle imbalances. Great for people with injuries...

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Equipment Guide, Home Gym -

Using your IRONSTAR equipment to its full potential: which are the best attachments for your rack? In the commercial fitness facilities it’s often seen that for each muscle group there are specifically designed machines. As they take up a lot of space and cost quite a bit of money, the equipment for functional training might be the right answer to solve these problems. Limited space or lack of it is one of the most common problems, when building a home or professional gym, that’s why it is very useful to have one structure with which you can perform a whole-body...

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Equipment Guide, Home Gym -

STAR LITE FOLD BACK WALL MOUNT A folding squat rack will let you do a lot of work in a small training space. When it comes to creating a training environment, space is the most important resource. You understand how challenging it may be to clear the space required to create a separate training area if you try to workout in your garage. And if you run a gym, you already know how important floor space is to you. DESIGNED AND MADE IN SLOVENIA, EUROPE. Let's be honest. It can be really annoying to have to move equipment around constantly...

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