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Case Studies -

When it comes to creating the perfect fitness or workout room, visualizing the layout and equipment placement is crucial. It allows you to plan in advance and ensure that your space is optimized. Choosing IRONSTAR as your trusted partner and guide on this journey, you can experience the power of visualizing your future workout room before making any purchase. We're here to show you how we make it possible! Let us customize your future fitness space, ensuring our high-quality equipment seamlessly fits right in. Get ready for a personalized and effortless experience that will transform your workouts. What makes visualization...

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Case Studies -

After weeks of renovation, we have successfully converted an old and dusty gym into a modern and functional fitness area. The newly renovated IRONSTAR GYM offers a workout area designed to meet all your fitness needs. We have spared no expense with IRONSTAR’s latest and most advanced equipment, ensuring that our clients have access to everything necessary to achieve their fitness goals. As a company deeply passionate about producing top-quality sports equipment, we have taken pride in incorporating some of our best-selling products into the IRONSTAR GYM. From our flooring to strength training equipment, versatile racks, useful add-ons, accessories, and...

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Case Studies, Home Gym -

Renovating unused rooms in our homes can be an exciting and rewarding project. One such renovation involved transforming an unused room into a home gym. This case study takes you through the step-by-step process of renovating the room, from initial inspiration to the final delivery of equipment and feedback. BEFORE AFTER Finding inspiration at IRONSTAR gym: The project began with a visit to our IRONSTAR gym. The goal was to create a space that not only maximized functionality but also incorporated elements of modern gym design. By studying the layout, equipment choices, and overall atmosphere of the fitness center, our...

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Case Studies, Home Gym -

Are you tired of constantly tripping over weights and other gym equipment that are cluttering up your floor space? Our Wall Mouted Multi Storage System is an amazing solution that doesn’t only maximize your floor space but also gives your gym a sleek and organised look. The Wall Mounted Storage system is perfect for those who have limited space in their home gym or workout area. By mounting your equipment on the wall, you free up valuable floor space that can be used for other activities or equipment. This means you can fit more into your gym without sacrificing on functionality. Not...

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Case Studies, Home Gym -

When Eva decided to set up a home gym on her balcony on the 8th floor, she knew she needed equipment that was both sturdy and versatile. She already owned a few products, but that didn’t satiafy her needs and she wanted to upgrade her workout space. After doing some research, she found us and we were happy to help her turn her idea into reality.  (before)  (during renovation of the workout space) One of the features that really stood out for her, was the custom-made pull-up bar. Unlike standard pull-up bars, which are typically designed for men's hand size (outer...

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