Home Gym -

One of the top priorities for our brand is customers' satisfaction and that’s why we spend a lot of time and effort to create the best quality products for you. As we know how busy the days can get and that the time in the gym truly means a lot to many of you, it’s vital to put great products on the market and therefore provide a chance for you to build yourself a wholesome space for body and soul. It’s important to us to help you build yourself a functionally equipped workout space (based on the space you have...

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Equipment Guide, Home Gym -

Using your IRONSTAR equipment to its full potential: which are the best attachments for your rack? In the commercial fitness facilities it’s often seen that for each muscle group there are specifically designed machines. As they take up a lot of space and cost quite a bit of money, the equipment for functional training might be the right answer to solve these problems. Limited space or lack of it is one of the most common problems, when building a home or professional gym, that’s why it is very useful to have one structure with which you can perform a whole-body...

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Tips -

Aiming to get fit for the first time, or getting back into fitness after a spell away can be a daunting prospect. Navigating the minefield of misinformation spread around the internet is hard work.  We believe in sorting the myths from the truths and giving you the correct information to enable you to train effectively, which will lead to a healthier and happier life. #1 Working out makes you tired  It is in fact quite the opposite. Working out releases endorphins and gives you a boost which will add a spring to your step for your entire day. It is...

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Workout -

Kettlebells are now a standard feature in every gym, including big, bodybuilding gyms.  It is obvious that the whole fitness industry now uses kettlebells as a standard piece of training equipment. Everyone uses them, from CrossFitters to professional athletes, traditional weightlifters and recreational users. There are still some people, perhaps including yourself, who are unsure about whether they should use kettlebells in their exercise regimen.  We often get many questions like:  Are kettlebells effective? What kettlebell benefits and performance and physical enhancements can I expect to achieve? Benefits of Kettlebell Workouts If you’re not sure exactly what training with kettlebells...

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Equipment Guide, Home Gym -

STAR LITE FOLD BACK WALL MOUNT A folding squat rack will let you do a lot of work in a small training space. When it comes to creating a training environment, space is the most important resource. You understand how challenging it may be to clear the space required to create a separate training area if you try to workout in your garage. And if you run a gym, you already know how important floor space is to you. DESIGNED AND MADE IN SLOVENIA, EUROPE. Let's be honest. It can be really annoying to have to move equipment around constantly...

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