How to get motivated? Take Action!

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How to get motivated? Take Action!

If you want to feel motivated, you need to move (or, more appropriately, take action) first and then the motivation comes. 

If you want to have more motivation, it’s important that you stop thinking of motivation in the way you’ve been taught.

When you don’t feel like doing something — especially something you haven’t tried or succeeded at before — you might say, “I don’t feel motivated.”

To get going, maybe you read quotes, listen to music, or watch an inspirational movie hoping to find your spark. 

But, here’s the problem: boosting motivation doesn’t work that way. 



What is Motivation?

Motivation comes from the Latin word movere, which means “to move.” Therefore, it makes sense in theory that motivation enables you to succeed in life.

But, if you want to feel motivated, you need to move (or, more appropriately, take action) first and then the motivation comes. 

Neuroscientists have examined motivation and discovered that you are more likely to have the kind of mental energy required to accomplish your goals, if your brain is able to comprehend your difficulties, ambitions, and obstacles.

Although having tons of motivation would be ideal, many new tasks don't start out in that state. Your right prefrontal cortex (part of your brain), which lights up when you try something new or want to accomplish a goal, produces skepticism and denial. Your brain can empower you to take on the world, but being unfamiliar might sap your motivation.

To boost mental energy and concentration and to increase motivation, you must engage the left prefrontal cortex. This other side is propelled by inspiration, hope, and the conviction that you can succeed.

Your brain needs to understand the actions it’ll take to achieve the goal, and it needs to feel realistic. 

If you can accept this concept, you will have the motivation needed to succeed with your fitness plan.

Why You Have Low Motivation

For Diet and Fitness

Many diet and exercise programs are scams. One that is made to be started and stopped repeatedly with little success. We work with customers to attain a variety of objectives, including muscle gain and fat loss, and we notice a tendency that we try to break. The pattern typically belongs to one of two categories:

Option 1: You want to start a plan and maybe buy a book or diet program. It’s possible you can join a gym. But, you never really start or gain momentum. It’s frustrating from the start and you blame yourself. 

Option 2: You start a plan and feel excited. You get new workout clothes, buy healthy food, and dive in with extreme compliance. You likely see some initial success too. Eventually (usually around the 4-week mark), you’ve suddenly lost motivation, almost as if it was sucked from your body. Going to the gym is harder. Eating healthy is no longer empowering; instead, it now feels stressful. 

In both options, you end up in a similar position. The pressure starts getting to you. You sneak in desserts or snacks that are not part of the plan. Piece-by-piece, you start making decisions that you know are less than ideal, and — as a result — you give up on the vision of what you want to achieve.

So, why is it such a likely outcome when your desire to change is so strong?

You have to start small. Start with changing one meal a day, start with 20-30 min gym sessions and slowly progress to more healthy meals a day and longer gym sessions. Be better 1% a day and in the long term you will find big improvements. People often expect results overnight, but in reality, the small changes and consistency is the reason that makes you succeed. 


How To Boost Motivation (And Never Run Out)

There are various actions you can take to boost your motivation. According to research, moving slowly makes it easier to accomplish your goals more quickly. It's more productive to follow a step-by-step strategy, such as developing one habit at a time, rather than attempting to master numerous habits. Because of the decreased cognitive load, your brain is better able to form habits and become more motivated.

Simply put: eating more vegetables or regularly making it to the gym are both made easier when your brain has less to comprehend.

Your brain relies on experience when you set large goals (I'll drop 20 pounds). Therefore, if you haven't previously achieved this goal, there's a potential that your brain will subconsciously cause learned helplessness by reminding you of past failures. You start to anticipate failure if you fail frequently enough.

Instead, if you can concentrate on tiny, manageable goals, figure out how to communicate their significance, and set intentions, you'll have fostered positive habits, reduced stress, and increased motivation.

You still have to work hard, put in the effort, and stay consistent. But, when you make your goal simple, clear, and easy to follow, you reinforce a process that makes success a more likely option.

Start small. Get yourself a new piece of equipment and begin today. Once you get consistent, your success is guaranteed, no matter the problems that may occur. 

It only takes one yes to success. Start today! 

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